
Posts Tagged ‘business cards’

What’s in a Card?

In Innovative Design on April 24, 2010 at 4:52 pm

Designing a business card can hold in itself a world of possibilities. We cannot even begin to list all the fascinating designs we have come across in the past couple of years! However after finding this latest card wonder we couldn’t help but share it with our readers.

The company: MODHair, A Rock n’ Roll Hair Salon

Fabio Milito has come up with an ingenious business card design. At first glance the card resembles a pocket comb, AH! but there is more! The comb plays a classic rock theme when rubbed by fingernail, using the same principle of a metallic musicbox comb. How neat is that? Love, Love Love it!

The Lesson: When designing a business card, always think outside the box. Unique concepts can be executed even with a standard black & white print template.